
An Invitation to the Future

Jordan B Peterson
  1. What story should guide us as we make our way forward?

  2. How should we take the responsibility of environmental stewardship seriously?

  3. How do we govern our corporate, social and political organizations so that we protect ourselves against the ever-present danger of collusion and corruption?

  4. How do we support long-term, stable, child-centred families?

  5. How do we provide energy and resources to the largest number of people, thereby alleviating absolute poverty, in the most efficient and sustainable manner possible?

  6. How do we facilitate the development of a responsible, educated, maximally responsible citizenry?

Source: https://www.youtube.com/@JordanBPeterson

You know blockchain technology will be an essential component of this better future of shared responsibility, self-governance and equity?

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Planet Decentral
Blockchain Fundamentals
Availability and Pricing The price for the whole course is $199, including recordings of all sessions and course materials. Places are limited to 10 to ensure maximum engagement. Schedule: once you have booked, you can register for sessions here…
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