Please somebody tell Jordan Peterson that there is NO SUCH THING as 'sustainable' growth and 'sustainable' development. Just like there is no such thing as a 'climate crisis'. The term was invented and used by the UN as a political, feelgood lever to introduce global Green tyranny. 'Sustainability' means nothing of the sort. It is not good for humans, for wildlife, or for the environment. The ONLY growth possible is inherently UNSUSTAINABLE; it is up to us, as responsible humans, to ensure that we adapt as we move forward, to address the limitations of that inherent unsustainability and ensure that we minimise our impact upon the environment as much as possible using efficient and effective energy production, whilst also promoting vigorous growth and alleviating poverty as quickly as possible. This is the very opposite of what the mad Greens have in mind.

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I think he agrees with you, it was just a lazy choice of words?

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I watched the 17 minute Youtube video and he managed to get to discussing question 4, then he went off on a tangent talking about Exodus and the Israelites which completely lost me, and questions 5 and 6 didn't get a look in! Quite frustrating. That's one reason why I'm not a fan of these increasingly popular podcasts - the central issues often get lost as people like to talk, and talk, and talk . . . . . ! Maybe he got around to addressing 5 and 6 later in the interview.

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Yes, I managed to edit down that 17 minute clip to this 5 minute one, mainly by chopping all the Moses bit out!

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It is refreshing to hear someone who speaks as I do on the subject. It makes me nuts when people in our camp behave as though the alternative to leftist green ideology is unlimited consumption and growth.

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I think you should curb your words...

No one is mad if they refuse a Vaxx or believe that clean energy is a solution.

I do.

The ones who are mad are the ones that think they know instead of knowing.

On the contrary to your ancient opinion I provide people with a vision of the future that is beyond your understanding and better in every way.


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I think you probably misinterpreted my comment and added some stuff I didn't even say. I don't recall saying anyone was mad not to get jabbed. That would mean I considered myself mad. Clean energy isn't a solution because there is no such thing as 'clean energy' and there is no crisis that requires a solution anyway.

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Actually you are wrong.

Clean energy is the solution... and that for many things.

Oil is the problem... for most things.

Energy from Water is the solution.

And why do people need a crisis to make a change?

Seems quite stone age thinking to me.

I think we should and must make a change because we can.

And I provide everyone with solution technology and more.

And I challenge everyone to prove me wrong.

Read my proposal.


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OK, well, I'm sticking with the Neanderthals on this one. Even Cavemen realised that you get energy from fire, not water.

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There is no antidote to ignorance.

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I'm not sure why you jumped on this thread and started an argument which didn't need to be started, nor why you feel the need to be abusive. Please take your chip and your shoulder elsewhere.

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JJ, wonderful insight--thank you! However, to point out one thing about Mr Peterson is that he is a man of faith in God. And biblical faith enjoins mankind to be 'stewards of the garden' (ie. the planet) and not waste resources or to destroy it. Stewardship means taking care of the garden under God, not attempting to do so in a purely human-centered or reckless fashion. Sustaining the earth means fulfilling the mandate given by God in Genesis to fill the earth and subdue it. However it does not mean, eugenics, geo-engineering, mRNA, GMOs, killing off animals as a meat source or any of the other WEF proposals that end the creation as know it.

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I watched that the other day. I don't always agree with Dr. Petersen, however he is proposing an acceptable alternative vision. No wonder Trudeau's minions at the Ottawa board of psychologists were instructed to silence him... That Trudeau foundation has some financial clout, heavily vested in LNP manufacturing as well, I understand.

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a smashing group of people (yourself included, of course!)

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''be the change you want to see in the world''. That's it !!

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In our family, we LOVE that man!

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The way I see it, the Elite-gods of this world want to hold on to their Utopian vision of their world (without so many distasteful, litter-dropping useless eaters in it), controlling everything and making a lot of money in the process.

The critical thinking, decent types like Dr Petersen are asking good questions, however, they can't see that by asking them, they're aiming for their own kind of Utopia.

It sounds great - if only people weren't inherently selfish. It never worked in the past and never will work, because man is fallen. Period. The Tree of Knowledge is not the answer - whether for good or evil. The Tree of Life is the only answer. Jesus.

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Its also about how to come together and the practicalities of achieving this which, will still require an overthrow of the current systems pretty much across the world. Currently is looks like there is a further discrete doubling down to silence people - Mark Steyn & Neil Oliver on GB news, the UK MP Bridgeman utilising antisemitism coupled with conspiracy theory - how long before the slur of conspiracy theory is automatically antisemitism in the minds of the sheep? We have a huge challenge ahead. Having a vision is one thing but equally, most projects fall because of lack of planning and coordination.

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Even huge challenges can be overcome, one step at a time. The important thing is to take that first step. But that means actions, not words (ironically!)

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Totally agree but then the what actions need planning and given en masse, some kind of coordination which brings us back to needing to be an organised group. We have been talking about this for 18 months (not the royal we) but still there hasn't been an appropriate figurehead or group ready to take the helm although there are quite a few happy to concentrate on their specific specialist areas eg HART, smile free etc

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He has a less crazy, less toxic, vision than most any other well known person. And I like that Jordan's asking Q's instead of insisting on a particular ideology as the 'complete' answer.

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The globalists have a clear vision and plan for our future. We need a clear vision and plan too, with leaders like Peterson, Dr Yeadon, Catherine Fitts, Dr Breggin, Dr McCollough, and strong religious leaders.

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By the way, that Peterson charater - who thinks he's all-so-smart - banned people from his channel who criticized vaccines (like Robin Monotti).

He never apologized. To his defense: I don't think he has ever apologized for anything in his life.

To answer the question: We need to put every dime into caring for our elders.

And if we want to be carbon neutral, we just plant back those 33% of forest we previously cut down and consume less animal products, because we will need the room livestock and their food now occupy.

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Peterson has changed his mind regarding much, including vaccines.

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A toxic self-centered megalomaniac.

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Like I said: He never apologized as far as I know. He's always been a twat and he will always be one.

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I think his questions deserve answers.

And so I did...

I answered all his question in an open letter on my substack where I also provide the technology on which to use and how to do it.


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99% of the video showing multitude need to learn 1 very very basic human trait.

Our average attention span is 3 - 5 minutes. Unless something astounding happens in that early time period our brain switches out. Not off but not concentrating fully.

The dirge like litanies of my mon, my dad, my teachers, my various jobs etc etc etc is just fluff, padding & totally useless in getting anything useful out there to enlighten & educate folk.

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I was always heard a phrase that the globalists would figuratively "strip naked" as they become fully visible in front of the globe's citizens (would love to find out the source for this illustration). I think this becoming 'fully naked' is happening in scamdemic/covaxdemic. On the flip side, we also need to warned that any attempt to buckle the alternative vision to just a 'we' collective of resistors without God and his universal laws as Creator at the center is going to be doomed to failure and will not be able to stand up to the war that is now fully visible and swamping the nations of the planet.

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